Key subjects

The thematic focus of the KomRex's comprises the following areas: Right-wing extremism research, democracy education and social integration
  • Bücher Rechtsextremimus
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    Research on rightwing-extremism The key subject "Right-wing extremism" deals with right-wing attitudes and their spread in society as well as radicalization and prevention of right-wing extremism, radicalism and populism
  • Stempel
    Image: Amado Loureiro on Unsplash
    Democracy education The key subject "democracy education" includes work dedicated to the question of what promotes democracy and equal participation and what jeopardizes it. The KomRex develops and offers relevant qualification and education programs.
  • Zusammenhalt
    Image: Hannah Busing on Unsplash
    Societal integration With regard to the key subjects "societal integration", KomRex examines the potential for, prerequisites for and obstacles to integration. The aim is to strengthen political approaches to the integration of migrants and refugees through scientific findings.

An overview of the KomRex core projects and further information on the projects can be found here de