Bücher Rechtsextremimus

Research on right-wing extremism

Right-wing extremism, right-wing populism and radicalization
Bücher Rechtsextremimus
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Since the founding of KomRex, the bundling and strengthening of research in the field of right-wing extremism has been a central task of the research institute at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Right-wing extremism in all its facets and heterogeneous manifestations as well as its spread is a core part of the KomRex's work.

Our tasks in the field of right-wing extremism include:

  • Carrying out relevant research work, scientific monitoring and evaluation
  • Transferring scientific findings on the topic of right-wing extremism to politics, practice and civil society
  • Strengthening interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of right-wing extremism

Part of our transfer work is to offer advice and scientific expertise on the topics of right-wing extremism and populism and radicalization. Do you have any questions on these topics? Please do not hesitate to contact us. de

Right-wing extremist attitudes and their spread

20 Jahre Thüringen-Monitor

Image: Thüringer Staatskanzlei


Research work and projects at KomRex deal, among other things, with the survey and analysis of right-wing extremist attitudes and their spread within society.

A key research project in this field is the Thüringen Monitor, an annual report on political culture in Thuringia. The report is based on a representative population survey in which political attitudes, satisfaction with and support for democracy, trust in institutions and political participation are surveyed.

You can find more information and download past and current reports on the Thüringen-Monitor de project page.

The Thuringia Monitor has been conducted annually since 2000 and celebrated its anniversary in the fall of 2021 with a conference and festive events entitled "20 Jahre Thüringen-Monitor – Demokratie und Rechtsextremismusforschung im Freistaat" de, to which numerous prominent representatives from academia, politics and civil society were invited in addition to the public.

Topografie 2022 – Jena

Image: KomRex

Topografie des Rechtsextremismus

The KomRex is also involved in the sociological research project Topografie des Rechtsextremismus und der gruppenbezogenen Menschenfeindlichkeit in Thüringen, which looks at the regional spread of right-wing extremist attitudes, structures and activities. The topography has been updated and published annually since 2017. The aim of the project is to collect and process publicly accessible data on various phenomena of right-wing extremism in Thuringia.

You can find more information, the link to view the topography and download the annual project reports on the Topografie des Rechtsextremismus und der gruppenbezogenen Menschenfeindlichkeit in Thüringen de project page.

Radicalization and prevention

Investigating the conditions and contexts in which right-wing extremist attitudes arise and lead to radicalization processes at an individual level is an important part of KomRex's work in the field of right-wing extremism. The examination of possibilities and approaches for preventing radicalization is also a central concern of KomRex.


With regard to the key subject radicalization, an important aspect is the collaboration in the interdisciplinary BMBF joint project Radikalisierung im digitalen Zeitalter (RadigZ)External link. In this project, KomRex is investigating the question of how and under what conditions right-wing extremist attitudes arise. KomRex is also involved in developing universal and development-oriented preventative measures against the radicalization of young people. The results of all sub-projects organized in the network are incorporated into the development of recommendations for action for practice and politics.

In addition, KomRex conducts scientific monitoring and evaluation of radicalization prevention programmes. One example of this work is the scientific monitoring of the state program against right-wing extremism in Lower Saxony, which is carried out in cooperation with the Landespräventionsrat NiedersachsenExternal link.

Publications on right-wing extremism:

  • Beelmann, A., Lutterbach, S., Rickert, M. & Sterba, L. S. (2021): Entwicklungsorientierte Radikalisierungsprävention: Was man tun kann und sollte. Wissenschaftliches Gutachten für den Landespräventionsrat Niedersachsen. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Downloadpdf, 3 mb · de
  • Beelmann, A., Koch, M., Michelsen, D. & Miehlke, M. (2021). Topografie 2020: Rechtsextremismus und Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit in Thüringen. Forschungsbericht für die Förderperiode 2020. Jena: KomRex, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Downloadpdf, 20 mb · de
  • Beelmann, A. (2020). A social-developmental model of radicalization: A systematic integration of existing theories and empirical research. Journal of Conflict and Violence, 14(1), 1-14.
  • Beelmann, A. & Lutterbach, S. (2020). Prevention of prejudice and the promotion of intergroup relations. In L. Benuto, M. Duckworth, A. Masuda & W. O´Donohue (Eds.), Prejudice, stigma, privilege, and oppression. A behavioral health handbook (pp. 309-326). New York: Springer.
  • Beelmann, A. & Neudecker, C. (2020). Entwicklungspsychologische Grundlagen für die Entstehung von Vorurteilen. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Hrsg.), Sterotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung. Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (S. 113-124). 2. Aufl., Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Forschungsgruppe Anti-Asyl-Agitation (2020). Radikalisierungsverläufe im Kontext von Anti-Asyl-Agitation. Abschlussbericht an das Bundesministerium des Innern. Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung (Universität Bielefeld) sowie Zentrum für Rechtsextremismusforschung, Demokratiebildung und gesellschaftliche Integration (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena). Downloadpdf, 3 mb · de
  • Michelsen, D., Koch, M., Miehlke, M., Dingfelder, J. & Beelmann, A. (2020). Gefährdungen der demokratischen Kultur in Thüringen. Rechtsextremismus und politische Entfremdung. Jena: KomRex, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Downloadpdf, 2 mb · de